INTEGRA’s final International Conference

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The time for the final International Conference of the INTEGRA project has come! It will be held on the 28th of July, 12:00 to 17:00 (IST), at Psychosocial Support Center & ICT Lab – RK University in India. The final conference will present the objectives, the results and outputs of the project whose aims were to:

  • Advance the targeted Higher Education Institutions in India and Pakistan in terms of capacities, new services and tools so that they better meet the educational and by extension the social and economic integration needs of young migrants.
  • Bring young migrants from conflict affected areas closer to Higher Education Institutions, while also upscaling their ICT skills and treating their psychosocial traumas.
  • Facilitate the integration of vulnerable youth in these countries by attending higher education courses and/or by entering the labour market and especially the ICT sector, which is one of the main economic activities in these Regions.

Learn more about the event, the agenda and the speakers.

You can register here.